~ Welcome to the Lafayette Escadrille squadron for "Rise of Flight"
Pilot Roster
If interested in joining, write and we will do all we can to help you get set up, including for newbees just starting ROF. Also, for 1918 scenarios, servers, campaign games we have the option of alternate USAS pilot names. In historical fact, in 1918 the American branch of SPA 124 became the US 103rd Aero, and most Laf. Esc. pilots subsequently went there; though others, like Raoul Lufbery, went to other US aeros. So if, for example, you are flying in a 1918 server you can -- if you want -- use a USAS squadron name like soandso_US94 or whatever USAS squadron you wish, and still formally be Laf. Esc. for Rise of Flight.
To contact us, email: wts@gunjones.com or rentedmule2002@yahoo.com
To reach the CO, MKD, directly write: MickeyD45@carolina.rr.com
We are a re-grouping of the "Red Baron 3D" Lafayette Escadrille, but now and instead playing "Rise of Flight." All former Laf. Esc. and USAS players of RB3D are especially welcome.
"I don't know a single one of the boys who didn't have a deep-seated desire to help France."
-- Edwin Parsons, Laf. Esc. pilot
Tools and Resources
* "Useful Materials Page" (For necessary ROF downloads and add-ons, including paints/skins.)
* Team Speak (For both headset and chat communications.)
Note. The main ROF gathering place for Team Speak is at:
* Smart Close (Safely shut down unneeded programs and screen savers before playing.)
* Rise of Flight (tutorials) by IRFC Requiem (Including how to set mixtures and radiators for starting a plane.)
* MORE on engine management, fuel mixtures, and radiators (from the ROF forums.)
* New Wings Virtual Flight Training
* "Some Basics One Needs to Know for Playing Rise of Flight" (.pdf, especially written for those new to ROF; updated 6 Aug. 2016.)
* ROF Western Front strategic map.
* Download the latest version of the Pat Wilson Campaign Generator.
Historical Texts and Information
* The Lafayette Flying Corps (1920) by James Norman Hall and Charles Nordhoff
~volume 1 and ~volume 2
* The Way of the Eagle (1919) by Charles J. Biddle, of the Lafayette Flying Corps and US 103rd Aero
* Fighting the Flying Circus (1919) by Eddie Rickenbacker
* "Out of Control," newspaper of the 1st Pursuit Group, issue no. 3, 13 Dec. 1918 (.pdf)
* "Trick Flying the Forte of Fighting Pilot" (.pdf) from Popular Mechanics, volume XXX, 1918, pp. 258-260.
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